Prof. Vinko Perić, PhD, academician (, is an agile, steadfast, and distinguished member of the intellectual elite nurturing patriotic sentiments in the Republic of Srpska. Due to his championing the clear vision of the Serb ethnic corpus as the pillar of his life and work, he has been a targeted by the Euro-Atlantic lobby, by anti-Serbian NGOs, by pro-Western media, and by political and confessional rivals for years. Despite all the insinuations, fabricated scandals, and inappropriate remarks about his private, Masonic, political, social, media, and academic oeuvre and business achievements, he remains a beacon of the Serbian identity in challenging times of numerous hardships of the Serbian people. Prof. Peric’s multidisciplinary, innovative, and advanced approach to a wide range of contemporary business and social issues and phenomena, based on the knowledge acquired in domestic and foreign higher education and academic institutions, as well as his vast life and managerial-practical experience and success in multiple fields and socio-political systems, gives significant specific weight to his views on the present and future of both the Serbian ethnic corpus and the Serbs around the globe.
Vinko Perić was born on 16 June 1953, in the village of Kravice-Opravdići, Municipality of Bratunac, Federative People’s Republic of Yugoslavia, to father Božidar and mother Mileva Perić (Obačkić). He completed elementary and secondary school in the town of Šabac (Republic of Serbia), where the family moved one year after his birth. Early in his youth, he entered the world of applied electrical engineering and innovations of the global genius Nikola Tesla, who became his lifelong idol in this field. Based on practical experiments with the amateur radio, Vinko Perić showed great interest in education in the fields of electrical engineering, electronics, radio, and television. Accordingly, he attended a vocational technical secondary school, pursuing his interest in the mechanic aspect of radio and television. Between a lucrative job offer at a TV set factory in Hanover (Germany) and at the EI Niš electronic industry, he opted for the latter, starting his career in Belgrade under the auspices of an electronics giant of the Socialist Federative Republic of Yugoslavia. After a short time, with hisexpertise asserted, he independently managed the "EI - Service and Technical Centre in the town ofGradiška on the banks of the Sava River (the then Bosnia and Herzegovina), where he still lives and works.. Having worked for the EI Niš for eight years, Vinko Perić desired to master computer science, programming, and new digital technologies, so he found employment in the AIPK RO Levita agro-industrial concern (Gradiška) as a technical manager of the newly established electronic computer centre, unique to the then Yugoslavia, which sent him in 1979/1980 for a two-year specialisation in electronics, computers, and computing technology to WEB Robotron educational centre (Berlin, GDR)
Before starting his own business within his VIKOM Company he was also the managing director of theBosanska Gradiška Business Centre in the KTRO Veselin Masleša, the Banja Luka branch of the Sarajevo publishing company. Aware of the senseless limitations and inconsistencies imposed by the communist economic environment, Prof. Perić, alongside his business activities in Yugoslav state-owned enterprises, founded his first private company, the WICOM Ges.m.b.H. in Vienna (Austria) during the 1980s. Encountering a completely different economic-political system and market-oriented economy in Austria and Germany, he gained valuable business experience that allowed him to adapt easily to the upcoming European trends and inevitable transitional processes and changes in the SFR Yugoslavia.
In the late 1980s, as the rigid economic system of the communist Yugoslavia practically opened and democratised, creating conditions for equal treatment of private capital and initiatives, Vinko Perić, with EU business experience, established the VIKOM,one of the first private holding companies in this region in 1989. This holding participated in launching and developing over 40 enterprises, independent, joint-stock, and shareholder companies, along with 20 electronic media outlets featuring radio and TV contents, located in the territory of the thenYugoslavia. Unfortunately, the planned developmental concept of the holding, which included entering into the world of banking and media, was thwarted by the projected, forced, and violent breakup of the SFR Yugoslavia and the 1992-1995 civil war in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
During this defensive-patriotic war, Vinko Perić sold his WICOM Ges.m.b.H. Company in Vienna and clandestinely yet actively participated in the defense of the Republic of Srpska. He putall his business and professional capacities at disposal of the Repubilc of Srpska, for the purpose of strengthening its capacities in this struggle, which ended in signing of the Dayton Peace Agreement in 1995 and the creation of the Republic of Srpska as a transitional solution until conditions are created for all Serbs in the Balkans to be in one state, as was the case after both the First and Second World War.
During the aforementiond war, he embodied a genuine patriot and one of the most prominent wartime donors of humanitarian aid to the Army of the Republic of Srpska and to its police, donating versatile goods and legally paying taxes and contributions on them, without seeking compensation from the Government of the Republic of Srpska for his multimillion-dollar donations after the war.
At the beginning of the war, he was, among other things, a Senior Independent Inspector of the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Srpska, a volunteer, a journalist, a cameraman, and a wartime managing director of the VIKOM printing and publishing, a company of special importance for the Republic of Srpska. The VIKOM-GRAF, as the cutting-edge printing and publishing company in the Republic of Srpska for the time being, printed, despite the blockade on the Drina River, on the border with Serbia, most of the necessary official documents and books, from school diaries, student IDs, and students’ booklets to a diplomatic handbook for future ambassadors to the world. It also largely donated office supplies, uniforms, cigarettes, and other necessary equipment to the army and police of the Republic of Srpska.
Vinko Perić is one of the initiators of the founders of many institutions during and after the war, primarily in the Republic of Srpska, among which are:
- ’The Football Association of the Republic of Srpska’,
- \The Amateur Radio Association of the Republic of Srpska’:, (President);
- ’Association of Private Employers of the Republic of Srpska:, (Chairperson);
- The Employers' Association of Bosnia and Herzegovina’:, (Vice Chair);
- ’The Association of Independent Entrepreneurs of the Republic of Srpska:
- The Chamber of Trades and Crafts of the Republic of Srpska":
- ’NGO Foundation Bosnia and Herzegovina’ – Mosaic:, (Co-founder and Chairperson of the Board);
- "Government in Bosnia and Herzegovina":, (Minister for Entrepreneurship, Media, and Transport)
- Alternative Government ’Serbian Piedmont’:, (Prime Minister)
Based on his European business experiences, Vinko Perić ’predicted’ what needed to be done faster in creating a new state that would promote a market economy and certain Western values. This included the promotion and protection of private employers' interests as engines of development in any modern state. Furthermore, through tripartite talks and dialogue with the authorities and unions, a modern economic-business environment for work and economic cooperation with foreign partners needed to be established quickly. Today, he is the lifelong Chairman of the Association of Private Employers of the Republic of Srpska , which had to adapt to its surroundings and operate covertly after completing preparations for the launch of the new Chamber of Commerce of the Republic of ` Srpska, when there was an attempt for this Association to be taken over by some political actors! This Association was forced to operate mostly covertly:
Adapting to the ’new’ map of the Balkans, created on the basis of the recognition of secession of the former Yugoslav republics by the so-called international community and on the entirely new economic environment it brought, Prof. Perić redirected the operations of the VIKOM company to electronic media projects.
The pilot project VIKOM Radio and Television pilot project started in 1995 in Serbia. From the ‘Sloboda’ Hotel in Šabac, the first VIKOM Radio signal was broadcast, and six months later, the first TV signal was aired:
Two years after the Dayton Agreement was signed, on 10 March 1997, the VIKOM Radio began operations in Banja Luka, and on 29 September of the same year, theVIKOM Television started broadcasting from the central studio in Gradiška. Equipped with modern technology, the studio became not only a centre for programme broadcasting but also for the development and conceptualisation of innovative, media, and other complementary activities of the company.

By developing and expanding business activities within the VIKOM media company, the Radio and Television was among the first to launch the Internet and the satellite, and digital television worldwide, thus connecting the diaspora with the homeland. People could directly listen to and watch the contents, and especially participate live in programmes from most countries or send messages to their beloved ones. It also established terrestrial connections via its relays on mountain peaks and via its frequencies, directly linking Belgrade with Banja Luka and the peoples of both states through two electro-digital networks’ of radio and television transmitters.
It was among the first to introduce state-of-the-art optical and digital techniques and technology, and it continues to broadcast programmes through the advanced digital IPTV service of the- M-Tel Telekom Company of the Republic of Srpska and Serbia, as well as digital television through the national (Bosnia and Herzegovina) –MULTIPLEX B service
Parallel to these activities, it launched complementary business endeavours such as: the International Press Centre, the Business Club, the Production Film Studio for music, film, and television series production, as well as the printing and publishing of DVDs and CDs. Among the first in the Balkans, it established the VIKOMICE women’s orchestra:
Of special national significance is the ’Izvorinke’ project:, which seeks to identify and prove the Serbian ethnic origins of many Serbian folk songs, which, due to deliberate cultural falsifications, are known among today's Bosniaks-Muslims as ‘sevdalinke’ and are treated by them as their original music.
Up to 2024, in addition to 40 enterprises, it launched 20 radio and television electronic media outlets across the Balkans on a ‘turnkey’ basis, some of which were handed over to others.
The VIKOMICE’ is an unprecedented marketing-entertainment-patriotic project that even ‘irritated’ the EU Commission for Culture. Based on its popularity (11 Oscars),, it urged the Commision to fund a documentary film about women in the media in Bosnia and Herzegovina entitled ‘Dream Job’, directed by Danijela Majstorović.
Despite restrictive national regulations in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the pressure imposed by anti-Serbian forces, the VIKOM managed to preserve freedom in its independent editorial policy, as well as its economic, political, and technological independence, adopting the latest contemporary digital technologies. In 2003, it was among the first to introduce EU business standards (ISO 9001 RWTUF): As of 2024, it has been using Artificial Intelligence:, and today the VIKOM Radio and Television can be listened to and watched live worldwide.
Since Prof. Perić does not settle for the status quo, he, after retiring, launched a conceptual mega project in the Balkans, at the foothills of Mt Kozara, featuring a stream, three brooks, and two springs: ’Accommodation and extension of health and quality of life for retirees
Entering into the world of independent, self-sustainable top managers and entrepreneurs at an early age, along with the implementation of serious business and other projects, did not prevent Vinko Perić from constantly and simultaneously improving and developing multidisciplinary expertise. By connecting science with practice in meaningful educational units, he became a mechanical engineer in 1987 refined his German language skills in 1994, and defended his master's thesis in 2002 at the University for Peace and Development (UPEACE) in Belgrade. He successfully applied his concept to the development of his own radio and television networks and systems, later dedicating himself to the scientific study of the influence of mass media on viewers and general security topics. In July 2013, he defended his doctoral dissertation at the International University in Brčko (the Brčko District), focusing on media and communication in the function of environmental security:
Shortly thereafter, he became an Assistant Professor in the field of Media and Communication Security at the same University. On 6 April 2023, the Senate of another university, the Economic Academy in Brčko, appointed him as an Associate Professor in the field of Media and Communication Security at the Faculty of Economics and Law. Alongside his university work, he continued his academic research in this field through the Centre for Strategic Studies of National Security in Belgrade, where he also served as Deputy Director and Head of the Office for the Republic of Srpska. In 2010, he became a member of the Russian International Academy of Sciences ‘Internationals ACADEMY of authors OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERIES AND INVENTIONS’, and in 2011 a full member of the JUPIN and the Serbian Royal Academy of Innovative Sciences (SKAIN) – Belgrade: In 2017, the SKAIN awarded him the prestigious Order of Tesla the Knight: On 13 March 2023, the Electoral Assembly appointed him as Vice President of the SKAIN Academy:
In recognition of his exceptional contribution to developing a multidisciplinary methodology for studying the causes and consequences of the civil wars in the former Yugoslavia during the 1990s, the Institute of National History ("THE INSTITUTE OF NATIONAL HISTORY") in New York (USA) awarded Academician Prof. Vinko Perić, PhD, an honorary doctorate in historical sciences (Doctor of Historical Sciences) on 10 February 2016.
To date, Vinko Perić has been an active participant and presenter (author and co-author) at 168 scientific-professional events, congresses, international conferences, symposia, and round tables in the country and and abroad. He has frequently been an organiser and a member of the initiative, organising, and scientific committees.
He has published over 60 scientific and professional papers, including monographs of national and international significance. As an author and co-author, he has written several books aimed at presenting scientific and societal projects in an accessible manner to a broader audience in the country and abroad. One of his notable papers is ‘The Paradigm of Success in the Era of Transition’, which, due to its innovative, professional, and documented content as well as its revolutionary media style, surpasses all others in the Balkans. This book is freely available to anyone willing to read it and can be found in the electronic format on YouTube:
Realising early on that the fragmentation of the Serbian ethnic corpus across various small states in the Balkans could lead to the disappearance of the Serbian people akin to the Khazars or Mayans, Vinko Peric, on 30 November2013, initiated and organised several significant international scientific-professional conferences of the second economic and third (patriotic) NGO sectors in the Republic of Srpska and Serbia, held in Gradiška.. and
These conferences and scientific papers unequivocally verified the legitimacy of Prof. Perić’s visionary project, ‘Serbian Piedmont – Open Balkans’, whose medium-term goal is strengthening Serbian-Serbian connections in the Western Balkans, while the long-term mission is the establishment of a Serbian world state modeled after the USA. In this context, in 2021, in cooperation with the ‘Captain Dragan Foundation’ from Belgrade, he launched the ‘Serbian World Television’, highlighting numerous multidisciplinary opportunities available for further development. Recently, the SST television has moved its headquarters to the Brčko District. Considering the potential role of Brčko as a vital connection between East and West, the 19th VIKOM television will change its neutral name to the RTV PULSE Radio and Television.
For his multidisciplinary approach and innovative activities in business, scientific, social, and humanitarian projects, Vinko Perić and his companies have received numerous awards, diplomas, silver and gold medals, orders, and plaques from institutions in the country and worldwide,
(, among which are: the ’White Angel’ award in 1999 from the Olympic Committee of Yugoslavia.; a Silver Medal (second place globally) at the 52nd World Salon of Inventions, Research, and New Technologies ‘Brussels-Eureka’ 2003; the ‘Victor’ Statue in Belgrade, 2014, from the Serbian Inventors Association; the ‘Person of the Year in Economic Diplomacy of the Western Balkans and Southeast Europe’ award in 2015 at the IV MEĐUNARODNI BUSINESS SAMIT international business event, Serbia - Vrnjačka Banja; the golden ‘Order of the Tesla the Knight” from the SKAIN Academy of Sciences in Belgrade; the golden ‘First-Class Order’ – Draža Mihailović” awarded in Ravna Gora, 2016.; and the Lifetime Achievement Charter ‘Valley of Kings of Centuries and Lilacs’ from “MAK – 2020” Kopaonik, Serbia, etc.
In parallel to business and scientific activities, Vinko Perić has been consistently active as a member of the socio-political community. In this regard, whether viewed as a manager, a university professor, an entrepreneur, a scientist, or patriotic security officer, the essential thread connecting all of Vinko Perić's business, academic, and social activities is his sincere dedication to the Serbian national idea, its preservation, and development in current geopolitical circumstances. Unlike many, Prof. Peric’s uniqueness lies in emphasising his stance that he never wishes to work as a politician in the public sector or in governance, despite continuous participation in politics and elections since the first democratic elections in Yugoslavia until 2018.
During the turbulent events of the 1990s, Prof. Peri found himself in a triple role: an Independent Senior Inspector, a covert activist in organising and supporting the Serbian movement in Bosnia and Herzegovina under the leadership of the SDS, of which he became a covert member:, and publicly a founder and member of the Council of the ‘Party of Yugoslavs’:, hoping that preserving Yugoslavia might maintain unity and solidarity among the Serbian ethnic corps in the Balkans, even though he knew and foresaw that this idea had a very low chance of success.
In 1993, with Professors Nikola Poplašen, Vojislav Šešelj, and Nikola Špirić, he co-founded and became a member of the Executive Committee of the Serbian Radical Party of the Republic of Srpska:
( After a year, he left this option due to other covert patriotic activities:
As modern competition in politics, especially in the Western world, revolves around the dominance of either economy over politics or vice versa, in 2000 Prof. Peric initiated, alongside organising entrepreneurs, their political organisation entitled SPP in the Republic of Srpska: In 2006, he founded, together with Prof.Petar Kunić, PhD, the ‘Nova Snaga Srpske’ political party, assuming the position of Vice-President:, advocating for his business associate Dragomir Karić from Belgrade to be the political godfather of the party's name.
During the 2014 election campaign, he supported, through a coalition agreement the Party of Economic and Social Justice , led by Prof. Emil Vlajki, PhD:, with whom he had initiated the Party of Yugoslavs in 1990. Prof. Peric accepted the position of Vice-President and led the candidate list for the Banja Luka region, which allowed him to participate uncompromisingly in the fight for the preservation of the integrity of the Republic of Srpska (there was a serious threat of the Republic of Srpska being severed at Brčko). Once again, due to other patriotic activities, he publicly resigned and left the PESP party.
Vinko Perić's most serious public political engagement was recorded in 2006, when he took over the presidential baton of theSNS party of the Republic of Srpska (‘Serbian Progressive Party of the Republic of Srpska), which was founded on 10 April 1997 in the city of Bijeljina, with a few hundred Serbian patriots and the first President (Goran Planičić,): Taking on the leading role in the SNS of the Republic of Srpska, he actively embarked on an independent political project for the first modern patriotic Serbian progressive party in the Republic of Srpska, as a heritage of the historical legacy and ideas of the SNS of the Kingdom of Serbia, founded in January 1881 (based on the ideas of old Serbian conservatives like Ilija Garašanin, Jovan Marinović, Đorđe Cenić, etc.). This was the first revival of original progressive ideas in the territories of the Serbian lands. This party, led by Vinko Perić since 9 June 2006, as President, together with coalition partners: the Serbian Party of the Republic of Srpska (SS RS Prof. Predrag Gugo Lazarević and Dr. Nenad Stevandić) on the SRS RS list, won two seats in the Assembly of Republic of Srpska in the 2006 elections
The Serbian Progressive Party of the Republic of Srpska played a crucial role in the electoral process of 2008, when it campaigned independently from clear national positions and, through the ‘feedback’ of its activities, practically contributed to stopping the initiated process of transferring competencies and Dayton powers from the level of the entity of the Republic of Srpska to the level of the state of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Parallel to the media activities, the VIKOM,Radio and Television shifted the political scene to the right, forcing the authorities to declare 9 January as the Day of the Republic of Srpska instead of the date the Dayton Peace Agreement was signed (21 November), transforming the true leader of the Republic of Srpska, Milorad Dodik, from a "comrade" into a Serbian patriot and attempting a referendum. And although the Central Election Commission (CEC) of Bosnia and Herzegovina then banned Vinko Perić from political work and suspended him from the election list, and although his party was practically and literally legally banned (abolished) by IDIL members from Sarajevo (CEC, Regulatory Media Agency, Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina) and local traitors, the party had to shift to conspiratorial work, resulting in several progressive options having emerged in public in the meantime.
On 24 February2018, Prof. Perić, together with Dr. Darko Matijašević, gathered most of the progressive parties and radicals, and a Unification Assembly was held in Banja Luka under the new name ‘SNS’, headed by the unanimously elected Dr. Darko Matijašević, who continues Prof. Peric’s progressive and patriotic ideas and activities, while Prof. Peric moves to conspiratorial-transcendental work on establishing a new Unification in the world (Great National Lodge of the republic of Srpska), as a Mason and ‘freemason’, a member of the Supreme Council of the Balkans, with the highest 33rd degree in the world, and on the organisation of a new state in the Balkans, ‘Serbian Piedmont’:, where all Serbs would be united.
As a self-sustainable, materially and intellectually independent and free person, untainted by the people and organisations that manage political processes from the shadows, Prof. Perić has an indigenous approach to the current political and historical moment in which the Serbian ethnic corpus finds itself and conveys it without fear and openly, never trading political views and ideas. The line of his national action, after the breakup of the former Yugoslavia, has always been clear and transparent – preserving the Republic of Srpska in its Dayton form and strengthening Serbian-Serbian (business, political, religious) ties in the region, through existing legal opportunities towards the ultimate unification All views and projects of academician Prof. Perić, as a patriotic intellectual and university professor, are based on a multidisciplinary study of social phenomena and movements, representing a kind of ‘the third perspective’ in transitional times compared to the official positions of the authorities and the opposition in Serbia and the Republic of Srpska, influencing the media and turning the entire political scene and politicians of the Republic of Srpska to the right. Prof. Peric’s activities have partly cemented the national foundations of the Republic of Srpska, which can be documented through books and countless documentaries on YouTube:
After more than three decades of conspiratorial activities in French and Serbian Masonic circles and founding the Rotary Club in Banja Luka:, Vinko Perić is most deserving for the establishment and work of the ‘Nikola Tesla’ Masonic lodge in Banja Luka as ‘The Lodge of the Grand Orient of France’ from Paris: Prof. Perić publicly announced his initiation into the supreme 33rd degree of the Scottish Masonic rite (Sovereign Grand Inspector 33rd) within the Regular Grand Lodge of Serbia (R.V.L.S), where he was Deputy Grand Master and participated in founding V.O.H - the Grand Orient of Croatia, of which he is an honorary member.
( He is a member of the ‘Grand Council and Council of the Balkans’ and works on establishing a new Masonic lodge, the Great National Lodge of the Republic of Srpska and the Unification ‘O.B’, which should one day horizontally connect all unifications in the Balkans.
In the end, regardless of the direction in which the geopolitical storms of the modern world will push the Serbian ship, with his transcendental mission and vision, which he energetically translates into concrete projects, academician Prof. Perić remains a bearer of the Light of the Serbian national idea, and the project ‘Serbian Piedmont’ (Open Balkans) historically reflects the bright perspective of the Serbian people, into which one can step immediately.